Book Test English 2019

Book Test

12th Edition Meelad Book test

Letters and words are always close to Islam more than it to any other ideology. Holy Quran is the only book which started its revelation with a command to read, This command has been transferred down the line, from a heart to another, all the years, Seeking knowledge and progress has-been always a primary motive and a noble activity in the religious from the timely memorial till the day now.

The learned was always considered eminent and special and the only way to reach eminency was knowledge and wisdom While Islam promotes every walk of knowledge, it always prioritized that the knowledge that is shapes a human being to a better one. This is possible only through imparting right values and a righteous character to the human.

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)had the highest values among all the human beings, as umm al mumineen Aysha mentioned once, his life was Quran, So the incidents of his life carries the true interpretation of the living model proposed by holy quran.

By bearing this in mind, Risala Study Circle carries out an annual exercise of Book test for the last 11 consecutive years, And for the 12th year now

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Syllabus Topics

Following chapters included part of syllabus

1. The spring comes again

The spring comes again

The holy Rabi al-Awwal made the believers excited too much. This is only by the cause that the month witnessed for the holy birth of our beloved Messenger, the mercy of the entire world (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him). How can but be happy!

Oh, our beloved! You came to the world by unleashing all sorts of compassionate approaches to all the creations. Your father could not join in the pleasant moments of your family while your birth….? But… the universe is witnessed to a plenty of wonderful events during your birth blessed with the presence of stainless angles….. ! The historical books have chanted to us that Allah celebrated the holy birth of his beloved with the eventful aspects…..

Oh! Messenger! You followed a conditioned life style of good behavior, admirable conduct, honesty and son on. Accordingly, the people of Arabia, called you ‘Al – Ameen’ (the most honesty). When you were a boy of six year old, your loving mother passed away from this mortal world leaving you in isolation…. Even having a lot of grand children, your grand father showed his affection and compassion only to you, the orphan in all aspects. We could understand from the pages of history that the grandfather did so as getting a foresight on your prophethood.

Oh truthful Messenger! There in Arabia, your presence became the panacea for all problems, a consolation to down trodden, a shelter to orphans, a protection to the abandoned. Your mind wallowed in sorrow while you saw the cultureless attitude of Arabians and you raised your hands to the God for getting changes to the society. Being worried of the situation, you lonely climbed the ‘Mountain of Light’ and indulged in the cave of Hira on devotion.

The loving Prophet! When you completed your forty years, the angel Jibreel (Blessing of Allah be upon him) came to you for entrusting a great mission. Fearing too much in the seriousness of the matter, you wrapped your body with a blanket and after getting confidence and self courage you got up from the mood of the wrapping… But all these are histories… Here we could not forget your affectionate wife Khadeeja(May Allah Please with her) who consoled you with her words of courage and self confidence.

Oh Prophet! When you invited your family members to gather in the Valley of ‘Safa’, they gathered with more gladness. That time, they were very eager to hear from you, the most honest. You proclaimed before them “Worship the Almighty alone and agree me as His Prophet”. But your preaching irritated them. Your paternal brother Abu Lahab, shouted angrily to you “Oh Muhammad! All curse upon you, you summoned us merely for this? Ironically, Allah wrapped Abu Lahab with all cursing.

Oh our Leader! It is beyond the measure that the horrible difficulties you have suffered during the propagation of Islam. Thus you went to ‘Taif’ expecting the help of your uncles. But they arranged the stone pelting, teasing commands and unpleasant approaches for you. By the order of Allah, the Angel Jibreel (Blessing of Allah be upon him) came to you for your permission to ruin them all. Giving no mind to the permission, you liked the acceptance of Islam from any one of them than the destruction. Here we saw the fathomless wideness of your compassionate mind.

Oh Prophet! How can your lovers forget those days on which you suffered more difficulties, when you stayed in the house of ‘Arqam’ with a few followers?

Crossing the mountain and deserts, you entered in ‘Yathrib’ through ‘Saniyyath al wida’ (the valley of Saniyya). There the inhabitants warm welcomed you with singing the lines “Thala’al Badru…… Even today, those lines have been flowing from the lips of prophetic lovers. There in Madeena, you lived more peacefully and gladly for ten years. Our minds rush to the raptures when we remembered your eventful life there that you could string together the alienated minds, brought the helpless, who were plunged in the filthy of sins, in to the glittering sea shore of peace and calmness and your hands became the soothing wings to the downtrodden, the destitutes and the orphans.

Oh the compassionate Prophet! By having nothing for food and dress, the poor, who were countless, came to you for help from the remote corners of holy Madeena and other distant places. Worrying over their heartrending sorrows, your mind plunged in gloom. Understanding your heart beats, your sincere Companions strived every nerve for completing their needs. As seeing this, you became very happy and praised the God, but in other hand, you were struggling with starvation at most of the days. Oh! as we remember it, our both eyes fill with tears.

Oh our beloved! You used to lie down on the palm leaves, but now we are feeble to forget that sorts of meek lessons from your life style. Oh! How many animals witnessed to your compassionate touch! You raised your voice for the right of a Camel which came to you crying over the starvation, you got furious to your followers who burned the ants, you accused the person who brought the baby birds to your presence and you cut the part of your blanket on which a kitten was sleeping without showing any nuisance to its rest. But today, some of your community has not even the mere understanding of the date palm ‘Mimber’ (the podium) which cried not for getting your splendid touch.

Oh dear Prophet! A number of your followers sacrificed their lives in the battle fields like ‘Badr’, ‘Uhd’ and so on for the existence of our true religion Islam. How can we forget Fathima, your dearest daughter, who ran to the valley of ‘Uhd’ for treating you while you were injured by breaking your front tooth and wounding on fore head? We are wishing that Bush and Sharon should accept your method that your compassionate approach even towards the enemies in the battle field.

Oh our beloved! Without any bar, the true religion spread out from the soil of holy Madeena to the different parts of the world within a shot span. Thus, the day of ‘the Triumph of Makkah’ you conquered the holy Makkah accompanying with thousands of your followers. The enemies, who were unleashing the endless assaultings against you, knelt before you being feeble to do anything. But you showed the unparalleled mercy to them. Here, no one but you can only do such a scarification.

Oh the honest Prophet! With the short span of 23 years, you made the ignorant people as most innocent and illuminated personalities. When you gave indication to your departure from the material world, they could not control their flowing tears.

Oh Habeeb! As you born here, you aught to die once, aren’t you…..? But it is a great gloom to your lovers that to say the condition, hear it and write it with their hands.

The Angel Azraeel (Blessing of Allah be upon him) tried his best for making smooth the catching of your soul…… on even that time, you thought for our own sake…. How shall we forget you? ….. The prophet! We are unlucky enough to get no chance to see your beautiful face that glowed than the Moon. Those, who once saw your face, never ready to depart from your presence; a lot of pious lovers got the golden chance to see your face in their dreams. Hence, here we wish to become our ‘Salath’ and eulogium as cause to see your face even if in our dreams.

Oh the intercessor of community! We only desire your love and pleasure. Because, on the time of the great trail on the doom’s day, all prophets express their helpless before us but only you prostrate before the Almighty for the recommendation and you will give us the water from the ‘Lake of Kauther’. So, we will impart the melodious praising songs and eulogia to the next generation also. We should keep our reluctant minds towards those who see it as a new custom. We are ever- ready to make our days and nights flourish with your eulogium. Oh our beloved! May you give us your intersession and the water of Kauthar.

2. Prophetic love:

Prophetic love: An illustrious drop in hearts of millions

The love or affection is a phenomenon bubbling up in the depth of our minds. On the basis of this criterion, one can exchange this phenomenon with another as like the virtue, unbreakable relations and perfection. Accordingly, we may love him in return for his help. A father may shower his affection upon his handicapped child in the basis of his inevitable relation with him. We love Mahathmaji and Ambedkar only for the sake of the perfection they attained during the short span of their lives.

It is historical fact that we can’t find anyone but the Messenger of Allah winning all these factors of loving the fellow beings and being loved by them. That is why; it is incumbent upon us to bestow all our affection only

upon the prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him). In fact no one can be a real believer until he prefers the Messenger to his own parents, children and all his belongings. The real love for the Prophet consists not only in the implicit obedience to his commandments but also in the display of explicit expression of love towards him.

The question that remains here is how can we express our affection to Allah’s Prophet? In accordance with the social status of the beloved, our expression of love may vary. For instance, we may show our affection to a child of three years old providing him sweets or toys, an old man may be helped to cross the road. Nevertheless, in the case of a popular leader the show of affection might be different from the earlier two cases; it may be through an offering of thankful salutation or showering accolades.

Being the followers of Islam, we should be cautious enough to offer all due venerations to the Messenger of Allah, the real praise worthy one in the universe. We can show our whole hearted affection to the Messenger by preaching his virtues or singing songs in praise of him or chanting Swalath while his name is uttered. Nowadays believers conduct a variety of functions such as Mowlids and processions as part of their expression of love to the prophet (PBH).

More over, we must try to bring the holy Messenger in all our mutual talking, thinking and other usual activities. Reciting Mowlids or singing panegyric songs we can show the mood of our love to the Messenger from one to 30 days of holy Rabeeul awal. Innumerable books pertaining to the life of Muhammad (PBH) can be found in various languages. Reading those books, the profound love will certainly be instilled in us. In addition, we should circulate those books among our friends too.

It is notable to mention here that when our minds will be the rock bed of love for the prophet, then our tongues may absentmindedly utter Swallallahu- alaihi-vasallam whenever his name is uttered in our presence.

In nut shell, we should ensure our presence and that of our friends too in all Mowlids and panegyrics where ever they are conducted. But sadly enough, the deviators are striving every nerve to scoff at Mowlids and other observances of prophetic love. In this circumstance, we should come forward to attract all believers whatever functions we conduct to spread prophetic love. Then, we must succeed in emancipating them from the vicious trap of the so called reformists.

3. A glance on Prophet’s Biography

A glance on Prophet’s Biography

Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) was born in holy Makkah, the famous city of Hijaz on Monday, 12th Rabi al-Awwal (21 April in the year 571 AD).

The Arabs are the descendants of Ismail son of Ibrahim (Peace be upon them). The tribe of Quraysh was considered as the noblest section of the Arabs and Hashim was a popular branch of the tribe of Quraysh. Muhammad (PBH) was born in the clan of Hashim as the son of Abdullah and Aminah. Abdullah is the son of Abdul Muthalib. Aminah is the daughter of Wahab, the chief of the family of Banu Zuhrah.

When Amina conceived Muhammad …, she had an unusual dream. She was told that the child in her womb was the best of the mankind and he was to be named Muhammad.

As a blessing of Allah, the Almighty, she did not feel any fatigue that women usually feel during pregnancy.

He was born circumcised 12th Rabi al-Awwal is celebrated by Muslim world as Milad Sharif.

His father passed away seven months before his birth. His grandfather Abdul Muthalib was overjoyed at the birth of his grandson, took the child in his hands, went to Holy Ka’bah and called him Muhammad. He thanked the Lord of Ka’abah and sacrificed an animal on 7th day of his birth.


The childhood days of the prophet … were eventful. He was breastfed first by his mother Amina (May Allah Please upon her). Then wetnurses were chosen. Thuwaibath-al-Aslamiyya was the first one. Haleema Saadiyyah ((May Allah Please upon her) was the second.

It was the custom of the nobles of Makkah in those days to confide their children to wetnurses during the early infancy. Accordingly Muhammad… was confided to Haleema. The intention of this was to get a chance for the children to grow in a free and healthy atmosphere.

Haleema narrated that after she took him, she got all kinds of blessings. Her herd became fat and multiplied and everything around her seemed to prosper.

After two years of breastfeeding, Haleema took the child to the mother. The departure was painful. But Haleema was very happy when Amina allowed her to take the child back again with her till he was four.

During his stay with Haleema a miraculous event occurred. The child and Damrah Haleema’s son were grazing the herd. Two men dresses in white came up to him. They laid him down, opened his chest and took out his heart and cleaned it. Then it was restored to its former place. Soon after this event, Haleema took the child to Makkah and returned him to his mother.


When he was six years old the prophet… lost his mother Amina. On her return trip from Madeena she fell ill and passed away at a place called ‘Abawa’. He had lost his father before his birth. Thus he became doubly orphaned. After his mother’s death he was looked after by his grand father Abdul Muthalib. He too died after two years when the prophet was eight years old. Then he was taken care of by his uncle Abuthalib.

Muhammad…was honest, gentle and kind hearted. He would not talk unnecessarily. He was truthful in words and deeds. He was respectful towards his elders. He was a well wisher and helper of the poor and the downtrodden. Due to his honesty and truthfulness people called him as ‘Al-Ameen’ (the honest). He was often appointed as the arbiter in case a dispute arose among his people.

He had a trip to Sham with his uncle Abuthalib when he was twelve years old. During this journey he was met by a Christian priest called Bahira. This priest could find from the signs mentioned in the old scriptures that this boy was none other than the promised prophet. He asked Abuthalib to be vigilant about the enemies.

The prophet … had a trade trip to Sham with the merchandise of Khadeejah when he was twenty five years old. He was accompanied by Maysarath, the slave of Khadeejah. The latter was surprised to see Muhammad … always under the shade of a cloud in the hot sun. The trade trip was a great success. When Khadeejah heard of Muhammad’s honesty and gentleness she was very much impressed and expressed her desire to marry him. The arrangement for the marriage was made by the elders of both the families. Thus at the age of twenty five he married Khadeejah, a widow who was 15 years older than him.

Relation with holy Madeena

The heart of every Muslim is intimately connected with holy Madeena as it is the place where the prophet Muhammad (PBH) got warm welcome. It is where the symbol of mercy and compassion is resting. It is the place where the first Islamic Republic had its birth.

In the 10th year of prophet hood, Khadeeja, the wife of the prophet and Abuthalib, his uncle passed away. These two deaths were a great blow to the prophet. While Khadeeja supported him morally and financially the moral support of Abuthalib was valuable to him .Their absence encouraged the enemies of the prophet to increase their hostile attitude towards him and his supporters.

In this difficult situation, prophet (PBH) took a secret trip to Taif where he sought the tribe of … after calling them to Islam. His hope was shattered when they sent their servants and some street boys to throw him out of the city. He thus returned to holy Makkah.

Islam gradually started spreading. The leaders of Quraish were convinced that this movement could not be suppressed. So they took a decision at Dar-al-Nadwa to kill the prophet. They selected some bold and influential men to execute their decision. They surrounded the house of the prophet at night. But with the help of Allah, the Almighty, he miraculously escaped leaving his cousin Ali on his bed. He migrated to Madinah, accompanied by his intimate friend Abubacker (May Allah Please with him).

The people of Madeena accorded him a warm welcome. They helped him in every possible way. Hence they are called helpers (Ansar). Now people entered the fold of Islam in large numbers. The first Islamic republic came into existence. Prophet (PBH) lived in holy Madeena for ten years. At the age of 63 he passed to the eternal Mercy of Almighty at Madeena and was buried there.

Charming Features

The Prophet (PBH) is the best among the creation of the Almighty Allah. This can be seen in everything connected with the prophet: in his nature, behavior, dealings, the way of talking and preaching, his treatment of friends and foes etc.

He was most handsome. He was neither tall nor short but very moderate. He was fair with reddish shade, very healthy and lively – a man with charming nature.

The poet is most absolutely true when he says “Muhammad a man not like (an ordinary) man; sapphire is a stone, not like (an ordinary) stone”. He was known as ‘Al-Ameen’ (the honest). He didn’t speak unnecessarily. He was very kind not only to human beings but also to all creatures.

He was extraordinary in many things. He could see and hear what others couldn’t. He saw the angle Jibreel (Peace be upon him) and heard his voice in the presence of others who could see our hear him.

He liked sweet smell and his sweat itself was sweet smelling. The blessing of Almighty could be seen in everything connected with Muhammad (PBH). He is truly the gift of Allah to humanity.

Prophet Hood

There are references about the last prophet Muhammad (PBH) in the revealed Books including Taurat and Injeel. The people of the Books turned their attention to holy Makkah as they knew it to be the birth place of last prophet. There were some important events that occurred just before the birth of prophet which attracted the attention of the people of Makkah.

The digging of the Zamzam by prophet’s grand father Abdul Muthalib was one among them. Zamzam was submerged under the earth. In course of time nobody knew its exact place. In a dream Abdul Muthalib was informed of its exact location. He redigged it.

The second event was the destruction of the army of Abrahat, the king of Yemen. He came to attack holy Ka’bah with a huge army headed by elephants. Allah destroyed them by seconding a large number of small birds called ‘Ababeel’. It was on the 51st day of this event that the prophet was born in Makkah.

When he was twelve years old he accompanied his uncle Abutalib to ‘Sham’. During this journey a Christian priest called Baheera recognized him by the signs mentioned in Taurat and Injeel. During the second journey to Sham when he was 25 years old, Nastura, another priest recognized him as the last prophet. It was the glad news in the old scriptures that led them to recognize him.

The holy migration

The prophet preached Islam in Makkah for 13 years. Out of these 13years, the first three years were the period of secret activities. He contacted people in ones, twos and small groups. He met people in market places and festivals. As a result of his hard work in the preaching of the message of Allah six people from holy Madeena embraced Islam in 11th year of prophet hood. In the following year 12 people came into the fold Islam. These Muslims from holy Madeena worked hard in the path of Allah and the number of believers increased considerably. In the 13th year of prophet hood 75 men and 2 women embraced Islam. They secretly came to the prophet; pledged that they would protect him, if he came to holy Madeena. This pledge occurred at a place called ‘Jamrathul Aquabah’.

The news reached his enemies in Makkah and they became more aggressive to Muslims. When their torture became beyond endurance, the prophet permitted his followers to migrate to holy Madeena. Most of the Muslims thus migrated to holy Madeena.

Within a few years Islam spread in Madeena. It became a fertile land for Islam. This infuriated the leaders of Quraish and they assembled in Dar-ul Nadwa and decided to kill the prophet (PBH). For this purpose they selected a few young men form all Quraish families and they surrounded the house of the prophet at night. Now Allah ordered prophet to set out to holy Madeena. Accordingly prophet asked his cousin, Ali-bin Abuthalib to sleep in his place. Then he threw a handful of dust reciting one of the verses from the sura ‘Yaseen’ and escaped from their midst miraculously. Only in the morning they came to know that Ali was the man who had been sleeping prophet’s place. They sent people to search for the prophet and offered valuable rewards to them who find him.

The prophet (PBH) and his companion Abubacker (May Allah Please upon him) reached the cave of ‘thaur’ and stayed there for 3 days. When they realized that Quraysh stopped their search they continued the journey to holy Madeena. This journey of prophet (PBH) from holy Makkah to holy Madeena is known as ‘Hijra’. The people in Madeena were delighted and extended warm welcome to prophet and his companion.

The Muhajirs and Ansars

Prophet Muhammad (PBH) on his way to holy Madeena (from holy Makkah) first got down at Quba. He constructed a mosque there. This mosque is known as Masjid Quba.

After staying a few days at Quba, prophet (PBH) moved to holy Madeena. On his way he performed the first Jumua at the place of Banu Salam tribe. He continued his journey. Prophet’s (PBH) camel knelt down at a place where Masjidu Nabavi is now located. Prophet (PBH) stayed in the nearby house of Abu Ayyub-ul-Ansari till the complete the word of mosque.

The prominent tribes of holy Madeena Aw’s and Khazraj had been involved in constant clashes and fight with each other for more than 120 years. They accepted Islam witch united them and made them friends. They helped prophet and the refugees from Makkah. Thus they were called Ansar (helpers). The love and affection between Muhajir and Ansar were too strong. The Ansar were competing with one another in helping Muhajirs.

Muhajir and Ansar are important disciples of prophet (PBH) (Ashab). The Muslim associate of the Prophet is called Sahabis. They are all truthful and trustworthy. Those who blame Sahabis are deviated from the truth.

One should say ‘Radiyallahu Anhu’ when he hears the name of a Companion. The four Caliphs are the most important among the Companions of our beloved Messenger (PBH).

4. The Historical Events in the Prophetic life

The Historical Events in the Prophetic life

Battle of Bad’r

The people of Quraish confiscated the properties of the refugees from Makkah and were preparing for a battle against the Muslims of Madeena. In this circumstance, it became inevitable for Muslims to weaken the financial position of the Quraish of Makkah. The prophet turned his attention in this direction.

With this view, prophet along with 313 companions set out from holy Madeena. They wanted to intercept Abu Sufyan, the leader of Quraish who was returning from a trade trip from Syria with huge merchandise. Abu Sufyan knew about it and sought the help of Quraish from Makkah. Consequently a group of 1000 soldiers equipped with all sorts of weapons started from Makkah under the leader ship of Abu Jahl. As for Abu Sufyan, he escaped to Makkah along some other route. .

Muslims and the Quraysh met at Bad’ar. The Muslims were ill-equipped. But with the help of Allah Almighty, they won the battle. While Quraysh lost seventy of their men and the same number help hostage by Muslims, the number of martyrs (Shuhada) was only fourteen.

The Prophet and his followers returned to holy Madeena, with huge spoils of war (Ghaneemath). The battle of Bad’r strengthened Islam and Muslims. It took place on the 17th of Ramadan in the second year of Hijra.

The Triumph of holy Makkah

The battle of Uhd and Khandaq took place in the 3rd and 5th year of Hijra respectively. Prophet … accompanied by 1500 companions set out for Makkah to perform ‘Umrah’ in the 6th year of Hijra. Quraysh were prepared to prevent them. Prophet … halted at a place called Hudaibiya. He sent Uthman (May Allah Please with him) to Makkah with a massage that prophet and his companions were coming to Makkah not for battle but for performing Umrah. The Quraish detained Uthman (May Allah Please with him). Soon a rumor spread that Uthman was killed.

It was at this critical moment that the companions of the prophet made a pledge with him that they would fight the enemies till death. This pledge is known as ‘Baiath Ridwan’.

Now the Quraysh realized the gravity of the situation and were ready to come to terms with prophet. At last, two sides reached at an agreement. This is known as ‘Sulhul Hudaibiya’ (the Treaty of Hudaibiya).

The most important conditions stipulated in the treaty were as follows:

1. There should be no battle between them for ten years.

2. Those believers who come from holy Makkah

to holy Madeena should be sent back.

3. Those who come from holy Madeena to Makkah will not be sent back. .

4. The tribes are free to enter into alliance either with the Quraysh or with Muslims.

5. Muslims should return this year to holy Madeena and they should be permitted in the following year to visit Makkah and to remain there for three days.

When the Quraish violated the treaty of Hudaibiya, prophet along with 10,000 followers started from holy Madeena to holy Makkah. This was in the 8th year of Hijra during the month of Ramadan.

Without much resistance Makkah came under the prophet and later he pardoned his enemies. He cleaned the Ka’aba and surrounding by removing about 360 idols. Hazrath Bilal (May Allah Please with him) climbed on the top of Ka’aba and called the believers to prayer (Adan). The voice of ‘Thauheed’ reverberated through the air and the people of holy Makkah came to the fold of Islam in large numbers. Muslims were extremely happy with the success of Islam. This is known as ‘Fathh Makkah’ (the conquest of Makkah).

Farewell Hajj

Prophet … traveled to holy Makkah from holy Madeena in the 10th year of Hijra for performing Hajj. More than one hundred thousand followers also performed Hajj with him. Prophet … taught them all the ritual of Hajj.

Prophet … delivered a significant historical speech at Arafa. He instructed us about many things that we should never forget.
“Oh people, Listen to me attentively. After this year I may not face you in this place”. He started his speech. The prophet concluded his speech by saying “Those who are present here should convey his message to those who are absent”. This was a farewell speech. That is why this Hajj is called Hajjathul Wadaa.

With Hajjathul Wadaa, Islam attained perfection. Almighty Allah invited prophet … to Rafeequl Aa’la. Prophet … caught by fever in the last week of Safar. When the illness got worsened, he moved to the house of Aysha (May Allah Please with her). He was not in a position to go to mosque and so he asked Aboobacker Siddique to be the Imam in the congregational prayer. Prophet’s absence was felt very deeply and his disciples were in tears. When their sorrow knew no bounds, prophet came to the mosque supported by two of his companions and sat on the first step of the Mimbar and made a speech to console them.
Prophet … left this world forever on Monday 12th Rabi al-Awwal in the 11th year of Hijra.

The companions of the prophet plunged in deep sorrow. All of them were in tears. Some of them could not even believe prophet’s demise. Abubacker (May Allah Please with him) was elected as the first Caliph. Prophet… was bathed; his body was covered in white cloth. People came in groups and prayed. He was buried in the same spot where he took his last breath. This is the most sacred place on the earth. May Allah give us Thawfeeque to visit him (Aameen)

5. The Peerless Personality

The Peerless Personality

“Muhammad was distinguished by the beauty of his person, an outward gift which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused.. His memory was capacious and retentive, his wit easy and social, his imagination sublime, his Judgment clear, rapid and decisive. He possessed the courage both of thought and action… bears the stamp of an original and superior genius”- Edward Gibbon.

Different persons, who are representing the divergent aspects of life, attract men. Religion, art, literature, philosophy, politics are some of the major affairs to which people show their special interests. As such, they admire the leading figures, who are exhibiting the exceptional expressions in the corresponding fields. Therefore, some are wearing the anklets with the photos of their reverent human-gods while some others wear the shirts with the photos of their favorite sports starts or film heroes printed on them. Up to this end, it is inferred that, nobody may contradict. Now let us move on to such grave matters about which arguments and counter-arguments are likely to arise.

Really, this is a fact; the fact is in the form of an argument. When there is a chance to be counter- crossed, it becomes a challenge. It should be discussed in medium temper, being unconditionally free from all prejudices. Quite simply, the fact reads thus; Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is the greatest of all the leaders in the world!

At a first glance, somebody may tent to think this to be a fanatic statement. But truth should not be concealed; simply because, it will cause distance to the listeners. Nobody is happy to hear the tragic news that a landslide is expected to be in the location where one is living. But, since it is unhappy we should not make it so appreciative as to mislead him. To do so means to cheat. If things are spoken as they are, it will help to provoke thought, to take precautionary steps, and to make a sound enquiry thus finding the truth. Things are thus, we are compelled to check and test the truthfulness of the above statement. Let us examine it taking two criteria in to consideration. They are (a) Abiding popularity (b) Comprehensive History (for details please go through the article ‘Comprehensive History of the Prophet’).

The abiding popularity of the Prophet is much notable one. Men are, generally, curious to know what is happening in the surroundings. If one happens to hear a strange noise of a bomb blast, he turns impatient until he is convinced what has taken place. The reason why people are eagerly listening to news is nothing but this. Since things are thus, nobody can abstain from seeking why the name ‘Muhammad” is frequently announced from every nook and corner of the world.

‘The Adhan’, i.e. the announcement for the obligatory prayer, is made five times from every Masjid. The name Muhammad (Pease and Blessing of Allah be upon him) is articulated two times in every Adhan’. There are more than fifty Muslim countries in the world. In those countries, there are thousands of Masjids. Besides. Muslims and their Masjids exist in almost all the countries. Now, it is doubtful, as to whether there is any country where Islam has not entered yet. It follows that the name of Muhammad (PBH) is announced from every part of the world, regardless of governmental system, despite he being a man lived thousand years back.

Moreover, the mystery of the time schedule of these Five ‘Adhan’ has also to be noted. The time fixation is based on the rotation of the earth. Since the earth is round, there would be morning, noon, after noon, evening and night at any time but places being different. It means that there is Subh, Dhuhr, As’r, Magh’rib and Isha at any time and every time, with the exception that location would be changed one after another in quick succession. From this, one can conclude that the name of Muhammad (PBH) is announced in this world 24 hours and more than ten thousand times each minute. This announcement is not started before one or two years or decades, but this has been the practice for the last 1400 years, without any least break!

Moreover, special Programs for commemorating the birthday of the prophet is held throughout the world annually. During the Hajj season, Millions of Muslims gather around the Holy tomb of Prophet Muhammad (PBH). Above all, Functions for the appraisal of prophet namely ‘Maulid’ is also convened in Muslim houses and Masjids intermittently. Rhymes of appraisal flow from the loving and flowery hearts of his Followers while from the hearts harder than dry deserts do not!

Moreover, Muslim population is increasing day by day. Islam is spreading rapidly throughout the world. New Masjids and institutions have been founded in every part of the world, even if the missionary works are feverish comparing to that of Christianity. The totality of all these leads us to assure that, the name of Muhammad is being reminded, spelled, and loudly announced by a massive society, endlessly throughout the world.

The fact that the sun rises in the east needs not to be proved presenting authentic evidence. Likewise, the above – referred facts are as clear as the daylight. Anybody who approaches things straight can make out them as they are. In case, one is enriched with a counter argument that crosses the statement, let him search and suggest another name, instead of Prophet Muhammad (PBH) that has got these much popularity and worldwide circulation throughout centuries. If one is able to do so he is said to have accepted the challenge.

6. Comprehensive History of the Prophets

Comprehensive History of the Prophets

One of the factors that holds Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) matchless is his unique biography. There are world-renowned biographies of various leaders and writers. Some of them have had tempestuous impacts upon the public. But, the biography of prophet surpasses all other biographies in the world in its perfection and well documentation.

This is not as easy to understand as the first. So it has to be discussed in a little detail. Before examining the nature of prophet’s history we must go through that of the others. Generally the biography of an elite person is written by himself or by a second writer. Most of the biographies consist of the important details of the person regarding his birth, parentage, education and so on. The rest of the book would be entirely devoted to describe his experiences and ideals in an emotional language. This is because, there is not much significance to record each and every minutest details of his day to day life, so far as the reading public is concerned. If it is done so, it would create but sheer boredom to readers.

The life and teaching of prophet Muhammad (PBH) cannot be compressed in a book like this. Nor hundreds of this kind will serve the purpose. Books on prophet are not only written by Muslim authors but by Orientalists, Zionists, Christians and polemic writers as well. Writing biographies is quite common these days. But we should keep in our mind that, prophet lived 1400 years back. Still, the entire events of his life have been more authentically and microscopically recorded than those of a living figure today!

As hinted before each and every minutest details of prophet’s life are recorded in history. His words, deeds, views, silence, in day and at night, in public and in private, at home and outside, in country and abroad, in war and in peace, in mirth and misery, in health and illness, with wives and companions, with sons and daughters, with children and grown ups, with friends and enemies, with kings and ambassadors, with beggars and monarchs, with birds and animals, and so on. His followers as well as his opponents observed every aspect of his life and described to the coming generation. The style of his walking, his brushing, his eating, his smiling, his talking, his bathing, his sleeping, his dressing, his cleaning, and what not. They narrated his speeches, his writing, his messengers, his writers, his servants and assistants, his journeys, his expedition, his vehicles and apartments, his household, his instruments, even his food items, his curry items, his lamps, his mats, his rings, his foot wears, his tooth brushes, his combs, his mirrors, his perfumes, his turbans, and what not. His physical features are described so specifically and elaborately that there remains no aspect to be high lighted, such as his face, his eyes, his nose, his teeth, his lips, his eyebrows, his hairs, his shoulders, his palms, his legs, his feet, his chest, his breast, his beard, his moustache, his stomach, and his complexion. Even they sharply counted the gray hairs from the rest! When he is in the crowd they reported everything they observed and when he is with his family, the wives and children did the same. He had nothing to conceal from the mass because everything of his life was a model to the world, just as the Holy Qur’an said, ‘O Mankind you have in the messenger of God, a perfect role model’(Qur’an 33:21).

We should bear in mind the fact that, these details are not written by a particular historian lived recently using his abundant imagination. But, all those things have been directly observed by the Companions (Sahabas) of the Prophet (PBH). They reported them all to the subsequent generation (Thabien) and they to the next (thabiu thabieen) and so forth. After one or two centuries the scholars not only studies the text of prophet transmitted orally by the proceeding generation but they devoted their life in studying the life of those reporters as well. From then onwards, the new practice of close and critical study of the reporters become vigilant. Thus a new science called Criticism and justification of Hadîth reporters was formed. Thus the complete history of the reporters from prophet to that age was clearly collected and recorded.

They accepted the honest and rejected not only dishonest but even the slightest dubious ones. Some of them are so conscious in this regard that, if the reporter was suspected to have told a lie in life, they would not accept his report at all. Numerous works and in a number of volumes have been written on this ‘name of reporters’ (Asmau Rijal’) not only did they memorize the text of prophet but they thoroughly learnt by heart the name series of reporters, their birth, death, education, teachers, students’, journey and their complete history also.

Scholars devoted their lives in specializing the particular accepts of prophet’s life. Special works on the holy foot wares of Prophet, on parents of Prophet, on grandfather of prophet, on uncle of prophet, on wives of prophet, on daughters of prophet and on followers of prophet are composed separately not because they have any other personal grandeur but merely they are concerned with prophet. Now let us turn to the challenge. Who can suggest another name except Prophet Muhammad whose history has been kept, recorded, protected more authentically than this? D.G Hogarth assures having no other instance.

“Serious of trivial, his (Muhammad) daily behavior has instituted the canon which millions observe at this day with conscious memory. No one regard it by any section human right as this perfect man has been imitated so minutely. The conduct of the founder of Christianity has not so governed the ordinary life of his followers. Moreover no founder of religion has been left so solitary an eminence as the Muslim Apostle (D.G Hogarth, A History of Arabia, P.52 Oxford, 1922).

As has been indicated earlier, this part has to be studied more carefully, because some polemic writers have fabricated Hadîth, in order to tarnish the glowing image of Prophet. This has caused confusion regarding the credibility of prophet’s biography. Some western writers have highlighted this aspect in order to serve their defaming purposes. Among them are Sir William Muir, Sprenger, Grimme, Weil, Goldziher and Schaoht. Muir writes; ‘the biographer of Muhammad continuously runs the risk of substituting for the realities of history some puerile fancy or extravagant invention. In striving to avoid this danger he is exposed to the opposite peril of rejecting as pious fabrication what may in reality be important historical fact’(William Muir, The Life of Muhammad from original sources, 1858-61, p.xii). Muir assumes the possibility of falsity in prophet’s biography, so that he advises the European leader to be careful, for the ‘floodgates of speculation, error, exaggeration and pure fiction over flung open’(Ibid). Muir only knew about the possibility of fancy and falsity and he is purely ignorant of the science of Hadîth criticism. Leopold Weiss, who embraced Islam after having thoroughly studied it, clarifies the issue; ‘The fact that there were numberless spurious Hadîth did not in the least escape the attention of the Muhaddiths (The scholar who knows the text of Hadiths and the chain of narrations in detail), as European critics naively seem to suppose. On the contrary, the critical science of Hadîth was initiated by the necessity of discerning between authentic and spurious…. The existence, therefore, of false Hadiths does not prove anything against the system of Hadîth as a whole no more than a fanciful tale from the Arabian nights could be regarded as an argument against the authenticity of any historical report of corresponding period’(Muhammad Asad, Islam on the cross roads 1975, pp 127- 8).
It is clear that abortive efforts to put confusions regarding Hadîth would be fruitless. Hadîth critics have keenly differentiated the original from the hands of manipulators.

7. Prophet and other World- Renowned Leaders

Prophet and other World- Renowned Leaders

Let us have a close discussion about the leaders, taking from the various strata of the society in comparison with prophet focusing on the two criteria, abiding popularity and comprehensive history. Since prophet Muhammad(Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) represents religion, the first preference can be given to religious leaders. Jesus Christ, Sri Krishna, Sri budha, Gru Nanak, Sri Narayana Guru, Swami Vivekanandan are some instances. As for philosophers, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Bertrand Russel, Jean Paul satre, Soran Keikkegard are good examples. To represent revolutionists there are numberless figures: Voltaire, Montesque, Rousseau, Karl Marx, Engels, Lenin, Nepolian, Ayathulla Qumaini etc.. The field of literature is exuberant with typical figures: Homer, vigil, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, Spencer, Tolstoy, Dostoyovsky, Wordsworth, Joan Keats, Kafka, Camus, Bucket, Eliot, Grass, Kundera, Derrida and so on. Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Yasar Arafath, Mahatma Gandhi, Fidel Castro, Sheikh Zayd, are the best saviors of the humanity while Hitler, Mussolini, W. bush, Sharon are the cruelest enemies of mankind. Newton, Einstein, Pascal, Farade, Edison, Hoking are good scientist whereas Sigmun Frued, Skinner, Ivan Pavlov are famous psychologists. As far as painting is concerned Pablo Picaso, Micheal Angelo, Raja Ravivarma, Leornado Davichi and M.F.Hussain are top figures.

Among the names, some are ancient, and some are modern. So, each can argue for his own hero, which will help a friendly discussion. Jesus Christ lived before 2000 years. Christians, the followers of Christ form the majority of the world population. Still the name of Christ is not as repeatedly announced in the world as that of Muhammad. From the Churches all over the world, we do not hear the name ten times a day; instead it is confined to the ceremonial speeches or discussions. But we already understood that, the name prophet Muhammad has been announced in the world for the last fourteen centuries, without lapsing even a second. Is somebody is travelling around the earth as a planet, he can keep on hearing the echoing sound of “Muhammad”……. “Muhammad”… “Muhammad”… endlessly. Can a person hear the name of Christ so or at least once during one rotation? Suppose you are standing in a place full of Christians. Can you hear the name of Christ once even if you stand there twenty four hours?

If this is the case with the great Jesus Christ, please, impartially compare Sri Kirshna, Sidhartha, Sri Guru and others. Can one argue that they have also got world wide popularity as that of Muhammad without prick of Conscience? Think twice, thrice, and decide! If this is the case with religious authorities what should be the condition of poets, scientist, reformers and philosophers? Who spells the name of Jeoffery Chaucer? Who remembers Virgil? Who announces the name of Newton repeatedly? Who wants Faraday today?

As for the history, controversy reigns Christ, especially regarding his end. Is the prefect biography that covers all aspects if Christ ranging from physical appearance to private habits available today, as is with prophet Muhammad (PBH)? Is there any authenticity to the photos and idols that are erected in churches and displayed in public places except that it is a mere imagination of an artist? Can one prove that the sayings, which are attributed to Christ, are really his own, presenting the name series of reporters one by one, along with their biographies as well, as is possible with Prophet Muhammad. Can any person in the world count the names of twenty forefathers of Jesus Christ just as a child studying in lower classes of an Islamic Institution can do with that of Muhammad (PBH)? Can any Christian describe his linage ending at last in Jesus Christ as a ‘sayyid’ born in Prophet’s progeny simply does? How would Christendom prove authentically when Bertrand Russell remarks “historically it is quite doubtful whether Christ ever existed at all?

If this is the case of Jesus Christ as regards history, what proofs can be submitted for the existence of Sri Krishna, Rama and Sita who are living in Ramayana and Mahabharatha especially, when some Vedic scholars remarked that they are only imaginative figures. The ideals of Sidharta, Sri Guru, Vivekananda, and Guru Nanak may be recorded. But can one see the uppermost clarity and outstanding soundness like that of Muhammad (PBH)?

If this is the case as regards religion, for which man dares to become martyr himself, how would be literature and art? Science and psychology? Take the best example of Shakespeare. He is supposed and to have lived before 400 years. Still his biography is surrounded by Chaos. The debate as to whether the play renowned in his name are really written by him, or by Francis Bacon or by Queen Elizabeth or somebody else, has not, so far, reached to a final conclusion! But the biography of Muhammad who lived 1400 years back is still crystal clear. Philip Hitti, who accused Prophet having invaded dynasties for economic ends, remarks ‘Muhammad was born in the full light of history (Philip K Hitti, History of Arabs, London 1978). For the time being, leave the historic figures. Let us discuss regarding the statement of living characters. We read the statement of George Bush, Tony Blare and Kofi Annan. But we get it after having been ploughed putting them in to the mixer of self motives. Various newspapers and channels present them according to their own whims and fancies after being digested by news agencies. But one can more assure the words of Prophet to be his own in spite of being 1400 years old, than an event taking places to day.

8. Allegations: beginning and development

Allegations: beginning and development

Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) was born and brought up as an orphan. He led an unpolluted life under the protection of his grandfather Abdul Muthalib, as his mother died when he was six years of old and father two months before his birth. Two years later, grandfather also died, leaving him in the hands of uncle, Abu Thalib. Even though, the then Arabia was the hatchery of all malicious practices, he kept himself away from them all as a divine destiny. Never disturbed anybody, inflicted pain to any living thing and never told a lie even for as a joke. Up to the age of 40, he was wholeheartedly acceptable to everybody. They used to call him- Al- Ameen, the honest!

But, the scenario changed utterly with the boon of Prophethood. He started his mission of preaching monotheism, strictly criticizing social evils, like drinking, prostitution, pick pocketing, class-wars, exploitation etc…The Arabs came to listen to a new voice of liberation, a fresh air of purity, a novel slogan of amity and harmony. Thus, they formed a new movement well prepared to demolish the cancerous institutions growing in heart of society.

The nightmarish advent of the movement provoked the pomposities of ‘living idiols’ like abu Lahab, Abu Jahal, Abu Sufyan, Ut’aba, Shaibath etc. They keenly paid their attention to the ideals of Muhammad. They were convinced that, what he said was true, but the advance of an orphan shepherd as leader was beyond the limits of tolerance. Thus ‘Al-Ameen’ was gradually re-named as a magician, a wandering poet, a lunatic etc…

Prophet’s ideal movement wasn’t confined to holy Makkah. Within a century it spread all over Sassanian and Byzantine empires (a). Subsequently lands from Iran and Iraq(b) to Bukhara(c) in the east, Syria(d), Palestine(e) and Egypt in the west and the entire North Africa(f) wholeheartedly welcomed Islam. By AD 711 it extended to Iberian Peninsula (g) across the straits of Gibraltar (h). With the awakening of Turks (i) and Mugals (j), Islam was accepted by people in almost all continents in the world.

The rapid growth of Islam provoked the Christendom a great much. As usual, being unable to put up with a new hegemony, they thought of preventive measures. Various lines of action were suggested from different centers. Suppressive measures were prominent among them. It culminated in the crusades, In spite of having the Dictum in New Testament: “They that take the sword shall perish with the sword” the Christian world unanimously contributed weapons and militia for crusades. The followers of Christ who preached love and peace brutally killed thousands of innocents. Christians like jean Germian insisted on resuming crusades once it was stopped.
Another tactic was to divide and rule. They successfully practiced this theory in Muslim Spain. They Planned and executed internal conflicts among Muslim, thus shattering an Islamic republic.

The third one was to forge scandals to blemish prophet and to insult Islam. Special councils were formed to serve the purpose. An English philosopher Roger Bacon suggested war as a hopeless medium to defeat Islam so that he preferred philosophic arguments against Islam. Thus the council of Vienna came into existence in 1312 which established research centers in European cities.
W. Montgomery Watt remarks; ‘In deadly fear Christendom had to bolster confidents by placing the enemy in the most unfavorable light’ (W. Montgomery Watt, What is Islam, 1968 ppl- 2). Thus to annihilate the enemy showering the bombs of scandals and libels became the best option.

Dr. Maurice Bucaille depicts the Christian attitude: “The totally erroneous statements made about Islam the west are sometimes the results of ignorance and sometimes of systematic degeneration. The most serious of all the untruths told about it are, however, those dealing with facts’ for which mistaken options are excusable; the presentation of facts running contrary to the reality is not. It is disturbing to read Balatant untruths-in eminently respectable works written by authors who a priori are highly qualifie”(Maurice Bucaille, The Bible, The Qur’an and Science Pp 110-1).

Likewise, the polemic writers are also cocksure of the fact that, Prophet Muhammad is God’s messenger, and the Holy Qur’an is divinely invoked. Still, the prejudices, and the elitism do not allow them to acknowledge the truth. Sometimes, it is revealed from the words of those writers. S.W. Koelle was of the opinion that ‘the religion of Christ presents the stand and by which all other religions have to be Judged’ (E. Royster Pike, Muhammad- Prophet and religion of Islam, 1968. P. 54).

In the medieval era, they came to the conclusion that to forge any lie in order to tarnish image of Muhammad was persuasive, Daniel denotes:…. ‘The most probable explanation of what happened must be that Christians though that whatever tended to harm the enemies of truth was likely itself to be true.’ (Daniel, Islam and the west, P.8). ‘Guibert of Nogent, justified the character assassination of Prophet. ‘It is safe to speak evil of the one whose malignity exceeds whatever ill can be spoken of’(R. W. Southern, Western Views of Islam in the Middle Age, 1962, P. 31)

The obnoxious state of mind was widespread among the writers, Southern continues! In variety of forms,….This rule inspired a great deal of writing in the first half of the twelfth century’ (Ibid, Pp. 31- 2).

The opinionated writers were so blind against Islam and Prophet that they didn’t take realities, truths, scriptures or natural law into fidelity. Bauben writes: ‘The main arguments against Muhammad and Islam in medieval times were based on the Christian scripture and therefore nothing outside the scripture would be true. Whatever the Qur’an said differently from the Bible, was regarded as independent entities but as merely reinforcing or violating Christian ones? The absolute authority of the church and the scripture was such that reason or natural law was not a valid tool for examining any material especially that concerning Muhammad’ (Jabal Muhammad Bauben, Image of Prophet in the west. P.8).

Those who cannot play a good role at the warfronts found pleasure in insulting Islam and blaspheming the prophet thus inducing death in order to become martyrs! A distinguished movement, named ‘The Spanish Martyrs movement’ was formed for this purpose. T.W. Arnold describes the Martyrs as ‘a fanatical party which set itself openly and unprovokedly to insult the religion of Muslim and blaspheme their Prophet Muhammad with the deliberate intention of incurring death by such misguided assertion of their Christian biography’ (T. W. Arnold, The preaching of Islam, 1913, p. 141).

The western historians also danced according to the tunes of Church authorities who propagated their vile propaganda in order to instigate Christian hatred against Prophet. Robert, Baldric, Guibert of Nogent, S.W.Koelle, Waltherius, Alexander Due Pont, Sigebart of Gemboux, Ricoldo Da Mnoute Crose, Sand Pandro did their best to fabricate first-rate lies. Between 1450 and 1460 Islam was ‘defended’ by John of Segovia, Nicholas of Cusa, Jean Germian and Aeneas Silvius.
The process of producing slanders is still going on, in all its splendour. Salman Rushdi, Thasleema Nasrin, Samual Hundington, Washington Irving, Fukyama are doing their best services against lalam. In Kerala Anand undergoes hardships as much as possible, to be called an anti-Islamic theorist.

(a) The Sassanian Empire is the name used for the fourth Iranian dynasty and the second Persian Empire (224 – 651 CE). The Sassanian dynasty was founded by Ardashir I after defeating the last Arsacid king of kings, Artabanus IV and ended when the last Sassanian the King of Kings (Shahanshah), Yazdegerd III (632–651), lost a 14-year struggle to drive out the Arab invaders from his Empire (By Dr. Gianpaolo Savoia-Vizzini).

(a) The Byzantine Empire or Eastern Roman Empire was the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages, centered on the capital of Constantinople, and ruled by Emperors. It was called the Roman Empire, and also as Romania, by its inhabitants and its neighbors. As the distinction between “Roman Empire” and “Byzantine Empire” is purely a modern convention, it is not possible to assign a date of separation, but an important point is the Emperor Constantine I’s transfer in 324 of the capital from Nicomedia (in Anatolia) to Byzantium on the Bosphorus, which became Constantinople (alternatively “New Rome) (Wikipedia).

(b) Iran: officially the Islamic Republic of Iran is a country in Western Asia. The name Iran has been in use natively since the antiquity and came into international use from 1935, before which the country was known internationally as Persia. Both “Persia” and “Iran” are used interchangeably in cultural context; however, Iran is the name used officially in political context. The name Iran is a cognate of Aryan, and means “Land of the Aryans”

(b) Iraq: officially the Republic of Iraq is a country in Western Asia spanning most of the northwestern end of the Zagros mountain range, the eastern part of the Syrian Desert and the northern part of the Arabian Desert.
Iraq is bordered by Jordan to the west, Syria to the northwest, Turkey to the north, Iran to the east, and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to the south. Iraq has a narrow section of coastline measuring 58 km (35 miles) on the northern Persian Gulf. The capital city, Baghdad is in the center-east of the country.
Two major rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, run through the centre of Iraq, flowing from northwest to southeast. These provide Iraq with agriculturally capable land and contrast with the steppe and desert landscape that covers most of Western Asia.

(c) Bukhara : is the capital of the Bukhara Province of Uzbekistan. The nation’s fifth-largest city, it has a population of 237,900 (1999 census estimate). The region around Bukhara has been inhabited for at least five millennia and the city itself has existed for half that time. Located on the Silk Road, the city has long been a center of trade, scholarship, culture, and religion. The historic center of Bukhara, which contains numerous mosques and Madrasas, has been listed by UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites.

(d) Syria: officially the Syrian Arab Republic is a country in Western Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest.

(e) Palestine is a conventional name used, among others, to describe a geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands.

(f) North Africa or Northern Africa is the northernmost region of the African continent, linked by the Sahara to Sub-Saharan Africa. Geopolitically, the UN definition of Northern Africa includes the following seven countries or territories; Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara

(g) The Iberian Peninsula, or Iberia, is located in the extreme southwest of Europe and includes modern-day states Portugal, Spain, Andorra and Gibraltar and a very small area of France. It is the westernmost of the three major southern European peninsulas—the Iberian, Italian, and Balkan peninsulas. It is bordered on the southeast and east by the Mediterranean Sea and on the north, west and southwest by the Atlantic Ocean. The Pyrenees form the northeast edge of the peninsula, separating it from the rest of Europe. In the south, it approaches the northern coast of Africa. It is the second-largest peninsula in Europe, with an area of 582,860 square kilometers (225,040 sq mi).

(h) Gibraltar is a self-governing British overseas territory located on the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula and Europe at the entrance of the Mediterranean overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar. The territory covers 6.843 square kilometers (2.642 sq mi) and shares a land border with Spain to the north. Gibraltar has historically been an important base for the British Armed Forces and is the site of a Royal Navy base.

(i) Turkey, known officially as the Republic of Turkey is a Eurasian country that stretches across the Anatolian peninsula in Western Asia and Thrace (Rumelia) in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Azerbaijan (the exclave of (Nakhchivan) and Iran to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus are to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea is to the north.

(j) Mughals : Muslim dynasty that ruled most of northern India from the early 16th to the mid-18th century. The Mughal dynasty was notable for about two centuries of effective rule over much of India, for the ability of its rulers, who through seven generations maintained a record of unusual talent, and for its administrative organization. A further distinction was the attempt of the Mughals, who were Muslims, to integrate Hindus and Muslims into a united Indian state. The dynasty was founded by a Chagatai Turkic prince named Babur (reigned 1526–30), who was descended from the Turkic (Britannica Online Encyclopedia).

9. The Quranic revelation to the Prophet

The Quranic revelation to the Prophet

Not for worldly ends

The Creation of Qur’an is induced by the pursuit of worldly ends as per the charge. But who could believe having truth in this naked lie.

They should analyze the evolutions of Prophet’s life after and before Prophet hood. Up to forty he was living with good settlement. After twenty-five it is very clear, because he was the husband of Khadija the daughter of Khuwailid, a leading business woman. It is more palpable than touching that Khadija supported him in every dot of life and it had lasting impact upon him so much that, even after her death he was intermittently recollecting her charities and caresses as to irritate Aysha, the daughter of Abu Baker Siddiq and the then wife of him. Moreover, he was well received, honored and welcomed by all natives.

But, when he started reciting Qur’an all the convenience and comfort of life turned down. Suppose that Prophet made an experiment, but failed. Had it been so, he would have adopted another option, stopping Quranic business. But the more inflammable became the problems, the more vigorous he appeared. He was beaten, ridiculed, attacked, satired, excommunicated…His followers became the scapegoats of limitless tortures. Their fleshy bodies were dragged in the hot deserts of Arabia, torn into pieces; hot spear of iron was inserted in the vagina. Finally, they had to migrate to Abyssinia, where they had to spent three years, in that dry land, eating green leave, and drinking mere water.

Towards the close of his life, everything was brought in favor of him. The majority of enemies became his obedient disciples. Still he didn’t sought worldly pleasures. He lived a simple life. He was poor in spite of plenty. He slept upon palm-leaves. He never took food at the point of satiation, never tasted intoxicants to make life happy. Aysha (May Allah Please with her) complaints that there had one or two months without cooking anything.

He distressed being honored exceedingly. He gave what all the things in his hands, sans stories for the next day. He kindled the fire, milked goats, cobbled shoes, patched garments, and even cleaned the mat from dung with his own hands when a Jew, his guest, unknowingly did it while sleeping! When he died his armor was loaned to a Jew on behalf of getting some barely! Compare the condition of the supreme crown of twenty- dynasties with that of Roman king or Persian shah in that age or with minister in this age! Oh god! Enlighten the dark hearts of the blind Orientalists!

Not for fame

It is meaningless to allege that Muhammad (Pease and Blessing of Allah be upon him) wrote Qur’an in order to get fame. Had it been so he could have had it by claiming that Qur’an is his creation? It was taken for granted by the Arabian public that Qur’an holds literary loftiness. The Arabs are giving much prominence for literary activities. Each tribe was boastful of having a child who expresses poetic instincts.

But the verses Prophet recited echoed that they are divinely revelations: “Verily this is a revelation from the lord of the worlds” (Holy Qur’an 26:192). “(This is) the revelation of the book, in which there is no doubts from the lord of the worlds” (Holy Qur’an 32:2). “(it is revelation) sent down by (Him), the exalted in might, most merciful” (Holy Qur’an 36:5). “We have indeed revealed this (message) in the night of power” (Holy Qur’an 97:1). Muhammad if sought reputation, he could have used “my revelation” instead of revelation. But he didn’t.

Not for Power

The western writers maintained that Muhammad conquered power with swords, while some believe that he wrote the Qur’an to dominate dynasties. If he had sought power, he could have had it the moment he started Islamic Propagation, because power, properties, fair woman, were offered by the leaders of Arabia, provided he wished. But refusing all these, Prophet warned them against evil activities and invited them to monotheism. It is true that, many dynasties have come under Islam. But nowhere did he act as King. He prohibited people from reputing him exceedingly. He addressed himself as the slave of ‘Allah’ and ‘servant’ of humanity. He never had a kingly posture. Even when he was the supreme authority of twenty empires, his place was a little hut built of palm leaf.
One day, Umar the second Caliph of Islamic Republic (May Allah Please with him) was moved to see his predicament. He burst into tears for he had seen the palaces of Roman king and Persian Shah, beneath which fountains were flowing. Prophet tried to make him understand the transience of this material world. It is offensive to impute power mania on such a simple man. Stanley Lane- Poole writes: ‘In his habits he was extremely simple, although he bestowed great care on his person. His eating and drinking, his dress and furniture retained, even when he has reached the fullness of power, their almost primitive nature…’(Stanley Lane- Poole, Speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Muhammad, London, 1882).

Not a lie in the name of God

It is absurd to suspect Prophet having lied in the name of God, without sufficient grounds. Instead, there are proper proofs which negate the least possibility of lying. Firstly, anybody, who makes a comparative study between Prophet’s biography and the contents of Qur’an, can assure that no illiterate man in the world can describe such things. Poets can imagine lavishly anything and everything. But, no mind can produce these much real facts and true description, especially in the ancient era of sixth century.
Prophet Muhammad never told lies. Up to forty nobody accused him having told it. Even the hostile enemy of Prophet, Abu Sufyan, openly declared Prophet’s honesty in the court of the king Hirqal(2). The contemporaries of Prophet, who witnessed each and every actions of Prophet’s life, were not even skeptical of lying. But some paid writers, after deep thoughts have discovered him lying, recently. Marmaduke Pikhal quetes Tor Andrea: ‘It is said that he was known by the epithet Al-Ameen, ‘the reliable’ and even if this designation does not seem to express the most apparent trait of Muhammad’s character, it does show that he had an unusual power of inspiring confidence’(Book Review of Muhammad).

Long live the brain that could discover the fact that Prophet Muhammad could make believe the community of Arabia as he is Al-Ameen even while he was lying! Damned be Abu Sufiyan(3), the cruelest enemy of Prophet, who lied that Prophet lies not, in the Public hall of Hiraql’s palace!!

(1) Halimah bint Abi Dhuayb was the foster-mother and wetnurse of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Halimah and her husband were from the tribe of Sa’d b. Bakr, a subdivision of Hawazin (a large North Arabian tribe or group of tribes). Other transliterations or versions of her name are Halimah bint Abdullah and Halimah As-Sa’diyah.

(2) Flavius Heraclius Augustus known in English as Heraclius, or Herakleios; c. 575 – February 11, 641) was a Byzantine Emperor of Armenian origin, who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire. He was in power for over thirty years, from October 5, 610 to February 11, 641 and was the responsible for abandoning the use of Latin in favour of the Greek language in official documents, further Hellenizing the Empire. His rise to power began in 608, when he and his father, also named Heraclius, the viceregal Exarch of Africa, successfully led a revolt against the unpopular usurper Phocas. He was the first Emperor to engage the Muslims, and, in the Islamic world, he is seen as something of an ideal ruler who studied the Qur’an, was a true believer of Islam, and viewed Muhammad as the true prophet, the messenger of God.

(3) Sakhr ibn Harb : more commonly known as Abu Sufyan (560-650), was a leading man of the Quraish of holy Makkah. He was a staunch opponent of the Arabian prophet Muhammad (PBH) before accepting Islam later in his life.

10. The Prophet Meets the Christian Priests !!

The Prophet Meets the Christian Priests !!


In order to implant the forgery of copying, the writers are inculcating the story of Prophet’s meet with the Christian priest, Bahira. Really he had met him. But merely proving the events of Meeting, one cannot conjecture that Muhammad, was taught Bible but facts as to how did he happen to meet him, how many times had it been, and what were the themes they discussed, all should be proved. In case it is proved that Muhammad was seeking a priest to study the bible and he got Bahira, or quite accidentally he chanced to meet him but the latter making use of chance narrated him the biblical stories, the argument would have been healthy and agreeable. But so long as these are unproven or something proved contrary to them, the hypothesis is but bubbles on waves.

Bauben citing the views of Nicholas of Cusa remarks: “With so many Christian heretics around, nothing could be more appealing than to suggest that Muhammad was actually taught by some of these; hence names like Bahira and Sergius were bandies about as being responsible for his ‘heresy’ (Bauben, The image, p. 13).

Indeed, they are not ready to decipher the incident of the encounter. They are satisfied with the mere reporting of the unexpected meeting, which is outwardly misleading. Referring all the biographies of Prophet, one cannot find out more than one meeting with Bahira. It was when he was twelve. The moment he met the boy, Muhammad, he recollected the prophecies traditionally transmitted to him about the forth coming Prophet. Muhammad Hykal reports:

“It was only after Muhammad’s strong insistence that Abu Talib permitted the child to accompany him and join the trip to Al Sham. In Connection with this trip which he took at an early age, the biographies relate Muhammad’s encounter with the monk Bahira at Busra (1) in Syria. They tell how the monk recognized in Muhammad the signs of Prophet hood as told in Christian books”(Muhammad Husain Haykal, The life of Muhammad, p. 54).

But Christian writers conceal the detail of their conversation, while repeatedly chant, the ‘encounter of Muhammad with Bahira’. So the historical event is misinterpreted. Hence, the relevance of Daniel’s agony, ‘To read San Pedro and Ibn Ishaq side by side is to be given a striking lesson in the way the same material can be used in order to give totally different impressions’(Daniel, Islam and the West, p. 237).

A.M.Shaboo also is moved by this confusing practice of the same event: “…after a lengthy discussion of the Bahira story, Shaboo deduces that Muslims tell the story apologetically to prove Muhammad’s Prophet hood while Christians, with Al-Kindi as typical example, refer to the story to disprove exactly that and show Bahira as a heretical Nestorian (A. M. Shahoo, ‘An Evaluative study of the Bahira story in the Muslim and Christian Tradition Unpublished M.A Thesis, Dept. of Theology, University of Birmingham UK, 1984, quoted in Image of Prophet by Bauben P.15).

Why does the same event create confusion? The strict line between the two methodologies, as hinted earlier, is that, they conceal the quintessence of the discussion while we reveal it. Let us put the event in the lab.
When Bahira happened to see the clouds spreading shadow to a boy, he invited the group and prepared a feast for them. Everybody of them took part in it, except Muhammad, he being the youngest. When Bahira couldn’t see him he wanted to invite him also. When he entered he started looking him detectively and scrupulously. When all other went out, he started speaking in the name ‘Latha’ and ‘Uzza’ the gods of Quraysh, to which he protested to answer. Then, he spoke in the name of Allah, and asked many questions to which he gave apt answers, which were cent percent agreeable to that he knew. Bahira detected the seal of Prophet Hood and confirmed the things as they are; later, he talked to Abu Talib:-
Bahira : Who is this boy?
Abu Thalib : my son.
B : He is not your son. The father of this boy is not likely to live.
A : Certainly, he is my brother’s son.
B : What happened to his father?
A : Died, his mother being pregnant.
B : You are true. Go back with nephew. And keep an eye on Jews. In the name of God Allah, if they saw him, and realized what I did, they will put an end to his life. This boy is going to have something.

Abu Thalib rushed him to Makkah with him and never had a trip to Syria with him again.
This event has been reported by Ibn Hisham Vol.1 pp: 194-6, Ibn Katheer vol. 2 pp 365-6, and Baihaqi in Dalayil Al-nnubuwwa vol.2, pp 26-9. the event is famous among the historians of wars as said by Baihaqi vol.2p. 26 and all the historians have agreed upon it, even William Muir, who denied it in his ‘life of Muhammad’ agreed it. Even though the event has been denied by scholars for the reports are ‘Mursals’(2) for some infidelities. Mursals of Sahaba are acceptable to majority of Muhadhiths(3) and Islamic jurists (Abdu Rahman Bava bin Muhammad Al Malabari, Seerathu Sayyid Al Basher, Darul Ma’arif, India, 2001, P.51,52 with foot note).
The allegation of copying leads us to Bahira who certified Muhammad to be the foretold prophet!


In the second journey of Prophet to Syria, he met the Christian Priest Nestorius. This encounter was also quite accidental, and not for the sake of studying Christianity. It was when, he was twenty-five. Khadija (May Allah Please with her) sent his servant Maisarah and Muhammad to sham for business. When they turned up Basara they got in beneath a tree. There was an inn of a Christian priest, named nestoius (Nesthura). The priest said pointing to Muhammad. ‘he is none but a Prophet’. Maisarah could experience in the journey, many extraordinary things, the remarks of this monk being one, the spreading of shadows by clouds and exceeding profit being other examples.

Among the critics of Islam William Muir does not agree, the possibility of Prophet’s meeting with Nestorius, even when he lets a chance for Muhammad to have met other monks and have discussed. Bauben writes:‘Muir does not dispute the possibility of that Muhammad might have met some monks on his journey to Syria and might have discussed matters with them or listened to them, but he calls ridiculous and puerile the idea that he met Nestorious’(Bauben, Image P. 28).

Muir refuses it not because it is impossible historically but because he cannot put up with a monk pronouncing the prophet hood. He thoroughly believes that Muhammad would have been a Christian provided Christianity had been pure. He seems to say, since Christianity was corrupt at that time Muhammad along with majority of people was misled into another path. He says ‘we may well mourn that the misnamed Catholicism of the empire thus grievously misled the mastermind of the age, and through him eventually so great a part of the eastern world’ (William Muir, The life of Muhammad P. 22).

As in the case of Bahira, Nestorius, also, declared Muhammad to be the fortold prophet, instead of helping him to create Quran teaching him biblical stories. Bauben’s footnote as to ‘Nestorius died about 451 AD, about 120 years before the birth of Muhammad seems to be erroneous.


The third priest whom Prophet met was Waraqath ibn Noufal. Apart from the previous two encounters, this was a deliberate one. Khadija (R), intentionally approached Waraqa, with Muhammad, when he had the first experience of revelation in the cave Hira. Waraqa was at first a Jew, but being fed up with the practice of idolatry, he migrated and embraced Christianity.
Christian writers allege that prophet had repeatedly visited Waraqath who could write in Arabic and Hebrew. David Samual Margoliouth writes: ‘Waraqa, son of Noufal, cousin of Khadija, is likely to have had much to do with the beginning of Islam. He is credited with having translated the Gospel, or part of one, into Arabic. It was probably the Gospel of Nativity and was afterward useful to the Prophet’ (Margoliouth, Muhammad P. 42).

W.Montogamary Watt remarks: “…..Muhammad had frequent communication with Waraqa at an earlier date and learned much of general Character. Later Islamic concepts may have been largely moulded by Waraqa’s ideas (Watt. Mecca P. 51, 52).
Both Islamic historians and critics of Prophet are unanimous in that, Muhammad (PBH) has met Waraqa. The authoritative doctrines of Islam say that this meeting was soon after the first revelation in the cave of Hira. But some writers, who agreed that prophet repeatedly visit him, deny the particular meet to which ample proof are there in Islamic history. Bauban writes:
“Margoliouth discount the historicity of the visit to Waraqah ibn Noufal by Khadija and Muhammad in which he was said to have confirmed the authenticity of Muhammed’s experience in the cave of Hira.” (Bauben, Image P. 66, 7).

As for the visit before this incident, any bit of evidence had not been cited by these writers. Even a prostitute can raise a scandal. But, to corroborate the argument with the support of affluent certifications is the task of a gentle genius. The Christian writers are challenged to show any proof supporting their claim.

As for the visit after this encounter, there is no proof in Islamic history. It is taken for granted by all the schools that, Waraqah didn’t live for more than three of four years after this encounter. Watt himself believes so (Watt., Mecca P.51). As per the view of ‘The shorter Islamic encyclopedia of Islam’ Waraqa died early in Muhammad’s prophetic career(The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam (Leiden E. J. Brill, 1953, P. 651). It means that even after the death of Waraqa Prophet must have got revelation nearly for twenty years. According to scandal, he might have informed Muhammad from his cemetery as a telepathic conveyance. It is a mere mockery.
Bauben calls it interesting. ‘The assumption itself is interesting considering that Waraqa might have died some three or four years after the incident (Bauben, Image P. 239).

As in the case of Bahira the polemists conceal the subject matter of discussion. When we decipher the incident, it will be clarified to everybody, that Waraqa also certified him to be the foretold Prophet. The detailed description of the incident has been given by Bukhari and Muslim, the most authoritative doctrines second to the holy Qur’an. Paid writers are still welcome to prove the contrary.

(1) Busra (Busra ash-Sham) is an ancient city administratively belonging to the Daraa Governorate in southern Syria. It is a major archaeological site and has been declared a unesco world heritage site.

(2) Mursals : Mursal literally means ‘hurried’. If the narrator between the Successor and Muhammad (PBH) is omitted from a given chain of narration, the hadith is mursal, e.g., when a Successor says, “The Prophet said …”

(3) Muhadhiths : The term muhaddith refers to a specialist who profoundly knows and narrates hadith, the chains of their narration isnad, and the original and famous narrators.

11. Prophet Muhammad (PBH) as a Social reformer

Prophet Muhammad (PBH) as a Social reformer

img_article Toppling down ignorance, the Prophet (PBH) made his appearance in Arabia. The operation of the Prophet (PBH) caused the light to encircle in the extremity of darkness. He tried at first, to illuminate the anarchy and inequality that prevailed in the society. He moved tactically to unite the people who operated each other with hostility. The Qur’an addressed and admonished the man kind about the world humanitarianism. Even those, who ignored, had to listen to the voice. They looked at the Prophet (PBH) with expectation. Many saw in him an emancipator and became well-wisher of the Prophet (PBH). Apparently, nobody took courage to come to the scene after all. But the Prophet (PBH) worked with great expectation. He ignored the provocation and temptation. He never bewildered at critical junctures. .
The importance of the revolution won by the Prophet (PBH) in the history was that they could form a society that comprehended ‘thouhid’ at its sense. In 6th century the power against thouhid was all the more active. Many established their own worshipping idols. This was the condition when the Prophet (PBH) landed to holy Makkah with the calling: for the total refinement of idols. The Arabian inhabitants could not accept that. “Oh Muhammad, are you fusing different Gods into one” they asked with a bit of faithlessness. The Prophet (PBH) worked hard to make these people the spokesmen of thouhid. Many a time, as the disagreement became aggressive the Prophet (PBH) stood in self-control. From Tha’if everything would have been ruined. The magnanimous soul even sat with extreme tiredness due to the stoning from his own people. If he had nodded Tha’if would have been over thrown by the holy angels, but the Prophet (PBH) didn’t do that. He hoped that if at least any of their offspring embraced Islam, it would be fare better. But by the eradication, even that remote possibility would fade away. Thus here happened as being expected. In course of time, people came to Islam in large group, as a flow, idols’ value declined, Arabs began to ask: “who need such lifeless and non-self-resistant things?”

The Prophet (PBH) broke entire chains off that had existed in the society. The sovereignty of rich people and the domination of powerful hands, burdened like knapsack on the nape of the people, had been spoiling the spiritual strength and freedom of the people. The Prophet (PBH) worked to stop this injustice. The ethical jurisprudence of holy Makkah was rewritten. Justice and equality were accepted as the fundamental criteria. The worldly state and dignity never influenced on implicating justice. All underwent to the punishments for breaching of law. “Even if my daughter Fathima steals, I shall cut her hands”, the Prophet (PBH) proclaimed. Is there any reformer saying like this other than the Prophet (PBH)?

Financial exploitation swallowed the 6th century in every respect. Different kinds of exploitation existed critically and dangerously enough to break the backbone of poor ones. It was a ‘good for nothing system’ that existed in the finance sector, which caused the rich become richer and the poor to poorer. That was not a system, it was a kind of decay that formed among the aristocratic people. The poor had to stand helplessly with watered eyes in front of this decay. After the arrival of the Prophet (PBH) these kinds of exploitations have been prohibited. When he stopped the interest, gambling and financial deception, a chilling breeze blew through the minds of poor.
As far as the poor is concerned the Zakath (Alms giving) became inexplicably blessing. The shortage in the yearly budget has been compensated by Zakath. Madeena changed in to a well fare state, which people dreamed of. Islam and the Prophet (PBH) gave leadership to this change. It was the Prophet (PBH) who laid foundation for the world humanitarianism.

He trained people who quarreled on the basis of different dominations, to unite them in the view of single humanitarianism. To the admonitions of The Qur’an, could be able to root in the hearts of holy Makkah. Social inequality has been annihilated. On the basis of ‘thaqwa’ man is being considered. He may be poor or unimportant. Those lacked ‘thaqwa’ are regarded as beast. They may be rich or pompous men. Islam didn’t mind that. The Prophet (PBH) brought into force the necessary restrictions. Rules were not being enforced. He prepared the minds enough to obey them. Only those who have a moral sense find the rules fruitful. There is no scarcity for rules in the world. Systems had been there from ancient age onwards. But only the scarcity of people who have moral sense to obey them. The Prophet (PBH) spoilt this opportunity and formed a society that knew to obey rules and to entrust for more restrictions. Look at Umer (R), he often demanded restrictions. This can be seen in the prohibition of liquor and ordering of ‘Pardha’.

He presented the inexplicable reformation in the avoidance of bad life. That was a revolution recorded in the history. Liquor was the habit of Arabs and ingredient part of life and liquor-less night was unthinkable. It remained as the important source of almost all improper practices rooted in the society. Feeble legged youth created parleys through out the world and the construction and development were interrupted, the world stood stunned. When feel hungry, they looted; acquire through deception. They forced to accept all the crooked ways. In the excessive transmission of liquor, it is impossible to have creative mind or body. The Prophet (PBH) understood this. He moved hands very tactfully against liquor. Against this dirty liquid, he created hostility in the people’s mind. Gradually they began to hate liquor. When the prohibition came from The Qur’an in four stages those minds grew enough to abandon the liquor. Those who drank liquor greedily became its enemies then. If a drop fell in clothing, could not take prayer without washing. Not only is liquor a prohibited drink but a filth also. Prostitution, killing and looting had been accepted as the life practices of 6th century. What life without all “these!” This was the common conscience of the people. Islam brought about a change. That achieved through a fundamental moral revolution. It was a revolution achieved by Islam only. What else needs for restfulness other than a just-full administration and a life completely based on moral values.

The Prophet (PBH) concentrated in the educational field too. With the light of literacy the Prophet (PBH) landed amid the people. With the calling “Read�.”, principal Quranic verse has been presented. Very close to it, The Qur’an acquainted pen which is to be writing. He has been putting into practice the knowledge of accomplishing revolution by literacy right in the 6th century. The Arabs who grazed sheep and camels at hillocks reached at the peak of the world with these. Both Hiraqle and Qaiser had been convinced that the Arabs who knew only to eat out could do some other things. Of course, they had been dominant powers of the 6th century.

The Prophet (PBH) admonished that to attain knowledge, if necessary, should go to China. If knowledge is there, the Prophet (PBH) said to go there. The Muslims genius explored through out the world for knowledge. They composed texts, which later became a great asset to Islam. Islam is the only religion that exists even today preserved its scriptures from termites.

The Prophet (PBH) instructed man to live as if a gregarious animal. He used to give from time to time the adequate rules that are to be adhered in each phase of life. Rules were not being preached, but putting in to practices. All kinds of knowledge given by the Prophet (PBH) influenced on human life.

12. The Messenger of Almighty : Owner of an arresting personality

The Messenger of Almighty : Owner of an arresting personality

img_article Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) owns the unique personality, which is inevitable for a leader. To make preceptorial works effective, it is essential to have stainless personality. The preceptor must be possessed an indomitable heart and a self competency to confront anything. Allah has undertaken even the body-protection of our Prophet (PBH).The Qur’an says ‘Allah will protect you from the people’. Sayyidath Aysha Siddiqha (May Allah Mercy upon her) reported that when this verse was revealed to the Prophet (PBH) abandoned all the security guards around him.
Preceptors have here a good lesson. On executing their mission Qur’an gives them spiritual courage to confront with critical junctures. Even though the entire world arrayed shoulder to shoulder against them, the awareness
of Allah’s presence with them will add courage in them. This was proved in the life of the Prophet (PBH). The aborigine, who drew his sword out to kill the Prophet (PBH) in that secluded territory, couldn’t kill the Prophet (PBH). The question, ‘who would protect you?’ now needs to take merely conventional. But the response of the Prophet (PBH) was majestic. The mesmerism created by the sound of the word Allah shivered him and his sword fell down. It was a surrender laying the weapon down. Instances of this kind have to tell a lot.

The ancestral family onward begins the personal characteristics of the Prophet (PBH). Muhammad (PBH) was born into a prestigious family where cultural deterioration not traced. The nobility of his family helped him to come down courageously. The conversation held between the King Hiraqle and Abu Sufyan has been reported in the Hadth. Even the enemy confessed the nobility of his ancestral family and his personality. (Abu Sufyan (R) embraced Islam at the triumph of Makkah).

The creation of the Prophet (PBH) was perfected with all the factors that may attract people whom they are precepting to. Besides the internal beauty the Prophet (PBH) had external too. In a Had�th reported by Bukhari(r) says: The Prophet (PBH) was of very beautiful face; it seemed that the sun floats across the lotus-like-face. The comrades were in difficulty for being unable to measure the beauty. Therefore, his peculiarities are infinite. The number of hair on his head and beard are exactly recorded. No other personality in the history of the world recorded so well, even the body structure, as the Prophet Muhammad (PBH).

In physical strength, the Prophet (PBH) would knock anyone down; even defeated the boxers. Events proving this can also be read in the Hadith. Imam Bukhari reports that Rukanah known for his rich physique, bowed before the Prophet (PBH) Calling Rukanah near, the Prophet (PBH) asked, “Will you embrace Islam, If I defeat you?” “well”, Rukanah agreed; few moments of sparkling of lightning strength competition, Rukanah fell down. Suddenly stood up and resumed boxing but Rukanah fell down again. Thus he embraced Islam. It is also an evidence of the Prophet (PBH)’s physical efficiency.

Extraordinary boldness was the peculiarity of the Prophet (PBH). ‘Hunain’ battlefield; the war was at its peak; enemies dashed in; a moment, Muslim soldiers scattered and ran in all directions. The Prophet (PBH) discharged the role of the captain at the best; rose to the occasion; he led almost a hundred comrades. He didn’t need to think for jumping into the middle of enemies. “I am the Prophet (PBH), not lie; I am the son of Abdul-Muthalib; not lie;” Through this declaration he was leading victoriously towards the indomitable strong holds of enemies, which culminated in the victory (Al-Bidaythu-Va-nnihayath 6-76).
There are some ignorant people who claim that the physical nature of the Prophet (PBH) is ordinary as that of ours. Islamic texts, definitely, don’t agree this statement. His perspiration, saliva, nail and hair all were extraordinary, which can be seen in Hadith.
Jafar bin Abdillah-bin-Hakam (R) reports: During the battle of ‘Yarmuk’; Khalid bin Valeed (R) had lost his cap. He ordered to conduct a search to find out that cap, but in vain. Again he ordered to find it out. That was a worn out cap. He explained the reason why he become worried about of an old cap: The Prophet (PBH) (PBH) has tonsured his head after performing the Umrah. The people thronged for getting one of his holy hairs. I made an effort over the crowd and got one. And stitched that hair in the cap. With the holy hair-stitched in the cap I cold win all the battle, which I participated (Thabarany, Majma’u zzavayid Vol: 9- Page: 582).
Simultaneously, the Prophet (PBH) shined in various fields; such as the preceptor, the ruler, the general, the teacher, the head of the family, the father, the husband and the grand father. Each face can be obtained from the history of Islam.

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